Friday, February 22, 2013


I'm not sure if the general public is aware of this, but I'm not rich and famous.  I don't have a career in the entertainment industry.  In fact, I never had a career in the entertainment industry.  I never walked away from the entertainment industry.  Don't get me wrong, I would like to have a career in the entertainment industry, but it has yet to happen.  And while I'm patiently waiting for my big break to arrive, I'm working minimum wage restaurant employment to pay the bills.  I have no other sources of income beyond employment in the restaurant industry washing dishes and assorted other janitorial duties.  If I were ever lucky to have the chance to start a career in the entertainment industry, I would never squander nor abuse the chance given to me.  I'm just an ordinary guy who lives in Cleveland, Ohio, walks to work and washes dishes as an exclusive source of income.  I'm living an ordinary life.  I'm surrounded by ordinary people.  And even though I'm washing dishes as my exclusive source of income, I still consider myself as living an extra ordinary life.
And as I'm lost in thought about seafood dinners, here are some photos of fashion model Valerie Van Der Graaf.




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