Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Kate Victoria "KT" Tunstall was born in St Andrews,  Fife, Scotland on June 23, 1975.   KT is a mixed race product between a Caucasian Irish born father and a half Chinese and half Scottish born mother.  Essentially, she has a mixture of Chinese facial features and Caucasian facial features blended together.  Having never met her parents (Or rather, it was a Biologic Father that she never met, it's not known if she ever met her Biologic Mother) and growing up in an orphanage until the age of eighteen days, she was adopted by a English family who lived in the same town where she was born in.  Employed by the  University of St Andrews, her Adopted Father was a College Professor in   physics while her Adopted Mother was also a teacher of lower grade (And lower age) children.  She had an older Adopted Brother named Joe and a younger Adopted Brother named Daniel.
Frequently changing schools, she attended Lawhead Primary, Madras College Secondary School (All in her hometown of St. Andrew), The High School of Dundee located in Dundee, Scotland and Kent School located in Kent, Connecticut.  Upon finishing High School, KT chose not to attend college, but instead chose to be a rock star.  Unable to get started as a rock star, she became a street performing musician for money while setting up freelance street performing shop at Church Street in Burlington, Vermont.  Tired of street performing, she lived in a Hippie Commune in an unknown rural portion of Vermont.  Her parents returned KT to England where the finally persuaded her to attend college at Royal Holloway, University of London located in Egham, Surrey, England.  Upon graduating college with an unknown college degree, she performed in temporary British based rock bands like Elia Drew and Tomoko.  She had a live in lover (Who also was an aspiring rock star) named Gordon Anderson aka Lone Pigeon (Founder and lead singer of the Beta Band and his brother Kenny Anderson belonged to the rock band King Creosote).  She was an unofficial member of the Jewish rock band Oi Va Voi for only one album maximum, their Laughter Through the Tears album and it's resulting tour.  She got a recording contract and her album Eye to the Telescope was a top selling rock album for it's release date 2004.  Her latest two albums was self-released in 2011.  KT Tunstall is still recording rock albums and touring to this very exact second.






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