Wednesday, February 27, 2013


The newest poster that's used to promote the upcoming film Iron Man 3 shows film actress Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts dropping her head in sadness while holding his helmet as if she's mourning the death of Anthony Stark aka Iron Man.  In other words, it looks as if the Mandarin is going to kill off the cyborg super-hero in a manner that can't be resurrected---Not even if he wants to.  And Gwyneth Paltrow is so sincere about how sad she is that Iron Man appears to be dead in a manner than can't be resurrected.  It kind of makes the Gentle Reader and I wonder what type of direction the film The Avengers 2 is going to take if Iron Man dies forever and ever in Iron Man 3.  Wear black to the film premiere of Iron Man 3 because it looks like a very sad film to be watching when Anthony Stark is forced to crucify himself for the greater good of humanity (And the world has moved on without him to such a degree that he's no longer needed). 
Hey, did Anthony Stark aka Iron man ever asked Pepper Potts if she actually wanted to be his sidekick or did he just drag her into it without her input or permission.  Whatever the case may be, it looks like he's going to pay the price if Pepper Potts was forced against her wishes to be Iron Man's girlfriend/sidekick.  First Batman is crucified for the great good of humanity in a manner that can't be repaired (Not even if he wants to).  And now it's Iron Man's turn to realize that he's not wanted or needed to save the human race.  And now it's Iron Man's turn to realize that the human race always viewed him as in irritation that's better off forgotten about.  Maybe Anthony Stark aka Iron Man should've asked the Human Race if they ever needed him to save them from evil.  Maybe if Iron Man bothered to do so he would've realized how unappreciated he always have been viewed as.  It's all academic since he's about to be crucified in a manner that can't be repaired, (not even if he wanted to), regardless of his opinion (Which was never asked for or needed).  I guess the Avengers will need somebody else to help out with the upcoming war against Thanos in The Avengers 2.    Oh well, such things happen. 
Honestly, were the Gentle Reader actually expecting Tony Stark aka Iron Man to actually survive a direct battle against the Mandarin---An evil (and seriously pissed off) Green Lantern Corps reject looking for revenge for a perceived injustice that Tony Stark aka Iron Man had nothing to do with.  Come on, it's the metaphorical equivalent of sending a Dalek against General Zod.  I'm sorry to say this about Tony Stark aka Iron Man, but the poor shmuck never stood a chance in heck of surviving. 

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