Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Amanda Seyfried was having a really good day so far.  She's been practicing witchcraft and she figured out how to make supernatural incantations work properly.

Jennifer Lawrence has been nicknamed J-Law by the paparazzi.  And with her Academy Award for Best Lead Actress firmly in her possession, she's bound to take Hollywood by storm. 
She has gone from a brand new actress only doing small independent films like Winter Bone to making expensive big league blockbusters almost overnight.
While taking a break from filming her latest movie, Jennifer Lawrence needed to grab herself some food to eat.  She was very hungry.  After all, you can't allow Jennifer Lawrence to feel hungry when she's busy filming the Hunger Games.
 And after lunch, Jennifer Lawrence looked at the world below her from the balcony of the film set.
 Hey, that's ok, everything is cool.
Jennifer Lawrence if very humble when having a conversation with other people.

Somebody tried to kidnap her, but the effort failed.  She had bow and arrow at her disposal.

Sadly for her but happily for him, the second attempt to kidnap Jennifer Lawrence succeeded and she was held hostage in the basement of an unknown building.  And after breaking free of the ropes that bound her, now she must climb the ladder back to freedom and safety.  She only hopes she can climb that ladder fast enough to escape somebody (Or something) terrible enough to overpower the girl the first time (And possibly the second time too).  She reached the catwalk only to be pushed off the catwalk onto the cement floor below with a loud messy thud.
Nicole Kidman was oddly relieved that it was Jennifer Lawrence who was kidnapped and not her.
Meanwhile, something very odd was happening to Amanda Seyfried.

Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine are getting stoned out of their mind when they found their bong and their marijuana.  They also found a knife and a gun too.  Hey, guns, knives and drugs also go well together while on spring break in Tampa Bay, Florida.  Don't forget the trip to the police station while nursing that nasty hangover.

Selena Gomez isn't worried because she has the best lawyers in town.  The courtroom trial needs to be delayed because she's on the right track for self improvement.  Just give her some more time to organize a few fund raisers to improve her public image.

Nobody and nothing can touch Selena Gomez now.  Not even the law can arrest the girl who's metaphorically made of Teflon.
Ginnifer Goodwin is having a heart to heart talk with her opposite gender love interest about a child she saw in the daycare center that she works minimum wage at.

And when her friend left, Ginnifer Goodwin went about her daily business as usual.

 And she talked to a close girlfriend of hers at a restaurant later in the day.
 Ginnifer was thisty.  So was her friend.  They both drank coffee.

Ginnifer Goodwin felt sleepy.  So did her friend.  So Ginnifer Goodwin the woman she was eating luch with crashed to the floor unconscious.  And both women were dragged into a car and it drove off.  Ginnifer Goodwin was never seen again.
Meanwhile, Annasophia Robb has a moral dillema.  Should she rescue Jennifer Lawrence from her kidnapper and run the risk of being kidnapped in Jennifer Lawrence's place?  Should she try on pretty dresses?  Should she work minimum wage at a corporate business office (And help herself to some classified documents that she shouldn't be reading in the process).  Decisions.  Decisions.

 Um, er, um, isn't Annasophia Robb supposed to graduate Junior High, High School and College before she can find employment as a secretary for a Fortune 500 company?
 Don't ask questions.  She's too perky and innocent to do any genuine damage. 
After all, Annasophia Robb will be the best friend you ever known.  And the best friend you ever known loves to pose for photos.

 She's having friendship trouble with her girlfriends. 
 And the girl she had an argument ran away shortly after this conversation.
 The missing girl was never seen again.  Yet it takes a lot to rattle Annasophia Robb.

 Anna Sophia Robb loves to read magazines.
 A car pulled up alongside Annasophia Robb.  The driver offered to drive her home.
 Annasophia said, "You can drive me home, but you have to catch me first."
There's a hotline number to call if anybody seen Annasophia Robb.  People are worried sick.
Meanwhile, it was a normal day at school for Vanessa Hudgens
 She went home feeling depressed.  She thought about calling her girlfriends.  Jennifer Lawrence and Annasophia Robb never picked up the phone.  That made Vanessa feel really sad.
 Vanessa Hudgens likes to chew bubblegum when getting dressed with her window open.
 Vanessa Hudgens loves being hugged when she's feeling sad.
 Vanessa Hudgens loves being grabbed from behind and dragged to who knows where when she's feeling sad.
Girls who are guilty of something tends to cry a lot.  And Ashley Benson loves to cry a lot.
 And she tried to balance herself.  Surely there has to be a logical reason why Jennifer Lawrence, Anasophia Robb and Vanessa Hudgens has vanished.
 So Ashley Benson talked to her best friend Lucy Kate Hale.

 And after talking to Lucy Kate Hale, Ashley Benson walked towards the parking garage.
 Ashley Benson's car won't start.  A kind stranger offered to help fix her car right there on the spot.  Oh darn, the tool box is in the mini van.  He asked Ashley Benson to walk into the mini van to pickup the tool box.
Ashley Benson entered the mini van and heard the van door slam shut.  A rag with sleeping chemicals was placed over her mouth and she fell asleep.  Was it too much sleeping chemicals.  Who cares.  Ashley Benson was out of comission.
 Lucy Kate Hale tried to telephone Ashley Benson.
 And when she got no reply, she talked to a close friend of hers.

When her opposite gender love interest left her house, there were still noises behind her.
 Lucy Kate Hale knew that she shouldn't turn around, but she couldn't resist.
Emma Stone loves to talk about her life, hopes and future dreams in the backyard garden.

 She loves almost as much as she enjoys reading greating cards....
 And talking to her friends in the swimming pool.
 And today was a good day.  She was in good spirits on that day.





 And she talked to a weird person on the roof.  She almost slipped on a banna peel and thankfully, didn't fall of the building. 
 And so Emma Stone took a shower. 
She was so busy with her shower that she didn't hear footsteps walking past the bathroom where she was taking a shower at.  She thought it was a girl walking past since girl footsteps and guy footsteps pretty much sounds alike.   And Emma Stone wasn't sure why she was thinking about that shower scene from the film Psycho while she was busy taking a shower.  
 And the door was opened as she continued to take her shower.  And the person just silently watched her take a shower without bothering to talk to her. 
It's hard to know what happened next because the bathroom walls were soundproofed.
 Meanwhile, Sophia Bush and Hilarie Burton are best friends.

 And best friends gets into arguments all the time.
 And for every heart to heart talk, there are bound to be some disagreements too.  
 Sophia Bush loves to read comic books.  She loved that comic book issue in which Superman and Doomsday killed each other off before they could join forces against the Cyborg Superman.  And Sophia was glad that such a thing doesn't happen in real life.
Meanwhile, Selena Gomez tried to telephone Rachel Korine, but she vanished when she hitched a ride with a stranger.  Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson, Lucy Kate Hale, Anasophia Robb, Amanda Seyfried and Jennifer Lawrence also vanished;  So Selena Gomez went to the movies with Taylor Swift.  Both women loved going to the movies.  It's a good way to get their minds off their problems.
Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez parted company after the movie.  And while walking down the road, Selena Gomez saw a guy pull a car alongside her.
 The guy driving a car said, "Damn, you're pretty."
Selena replied, "Then kiss me."
So the guy kissed Selena.  She thought her poison lipstick did the trick, but he was wearing lip protector.  And she ended up feeling sleepy.  She felt like sleeping on the side of the road.
 Taylor Swift was feeling happy.  She was in love with the world.
 And she swung on the swingset.
 And she posed for photographs.
 A car pulled alongside her.  The driver of the car offered to give her ride somewhere.  She agreed.
 Taylor Swift got inside the car.
She ended up getting kidnapped and never seen again.
Nicole Kidman was furious when all the girls that she gave orders to vanished and were never to be seen again.
Nicole Kidman tried to function as best as possible as a one woman show now that all the girls below her vanished and never to be seen again.  It was as if somebody had it in for her.

 She found the guy who made all of her girls vanish.
 They started to make out with each other. 
And he tied her up and dragged her in the secret spot where the rest of the girls who vanished were held in.  And Nicole Kidman was never heard from again.  None of the girls were heard from again.

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