Friday, February 1, 2013


11th CCTV-MTV Music Awards Ceremony at MasterCard Center on August 21, 2012 in Beijing, China was one of the rock concert venues that AKB48 performed in.  And though the concert was only one song long, they rocked the stage and brought thundering applause from the audience.  Ah yes, all ninety (90) women in the all girl band AKB48 were in top form that night.  And on that night AKB48 were the darlings of the Asian version of MTV.  AKB48 albums come with ballots that the purchaser of the album mails in.  The AKB48 girl who gets the most votes gets the most prominate placement in music videos and concert appearance along with lead singer duties.  Essentially, the audience themselves choses the lead singer of the leader of the group. 
The lead singer and central focus duties changes from year to year because the ballot approache could lead to severe changes in who in AKB48 is the most popular and who in AKB48 is the least popular.
The Japanese rock band AKB48 is composed of ninety (90) women with ages ranging from the teens to the twenties and divided into four teams.  Team A, Team K, Team B and Team 4.  And fans of the all girl band AKB48 knows all ninety (90) by name.  And everybody who enjoys AKB48 concerts and albums has their favorite AKB48 girl.  And one person's favorite AKB48 girl isn't necessarily another person's favorite AKB48 girl.  And among the most popular woman rock star member of AKB48 is  Minami Minegishi.  As far as rock stars go, Minami Minegishi is one of the original founders of the rock band AKB48.  And in a sorority rock group composed of ninety (90) women, she's considered to be one of the most crucial leaders of the rock band.  I'm not sure which team she belonged to, but anybody living in Japan knows who she is and worships the ground she walked on.  

There's a bit of a problem.  You see, none of the women members of AKB48 is allowed to date.  There must always be the illusion that all ninety (90) women members of AKB48 is single and available to date any and all the guys in the audience on the drop of a dime.  Going on a date and going steady with anybody ruins the illusion that she's ready to date any and all of the guys in the audience.  And that's where the problem starts for poor Minami Minegishi.  The tabloids spotted a baseball cap wearing Minami Minegishi leaving her opposite gender love interest's apartment.  Alan Shirahama is a member of the Japanese boy band Exile and he was going steady with Minami Minegishi.  Well the managers of AKB48 were furious.  They ordered Minami Minegishi to break up with Alan Shirahama only a few scant hours after her date with Alan Shirahama ended.  And when she did as ordered, the managers of AKB48 ordered Minami Minegishi to shave off all of her hair and apologize online.  And she did so hours after her date with Alan Shirahama ended.  And then she was demoted to a trainee team to make sure that she'll never communicate with Alan Shirahama ever again.  And tears rolled down her face as Minami Minegishi for being immature when she dated even with knowledge of the no dating policy.  And now Minami Minegishi's career as a rock star is in dire jeapordy because Alan Shirahama lead her down the dark road of insubordination against the rest of her sorority teammates at the all girl band AKB48.

 The managers of AKB48 may decide to keep Minami Minegishi bald until she learns to grow up AKB48 style and learns to obey the rules that's crucial for staying in AKB48.  And Minami Minegishi insists that she wants to stay as a member of AKB48---Even if she has to break up with Alan Shirahama.  And so Minami Minegishi's quest for true love is destroyed along with her hair by the strict rules that govern all ninety (90) women members of the sorority all girl rock band AKB48.


  1. Yeah, she's in a very bad place right now. It's one of those moments in which fame and fortune doesn't turn out as expected.
