Sunday, February 17, 2013


Snow fell for most of last night and the streets is mostly plowed. Fresh snow fell this morning, but stopped when afternoon arrived. No fresh snow has fallen so far and I don't see this current batch of snow melting away anytime soon. The sky is cloudy and it feels like Winter once again. This isn't the typical Cleveland, Ohio Winter with tons and tons of snow falling. There would be snow falling and it melts before more snow falls with it melting away yet again. And now snow has returned, but not with a vengence. Only six more weeks before Spring arrives and any hope for an early Spring keeps getting dashed. Still, the road to Springtime, though taking longer than expected is still eventfull and has it's good moments. Plus, penguins and polar bears love the Winter. So the Gentle Reader and I are doing this Winter stuff for the benfit of the penguins and the polar bears.
And as I'm lost in thought in the falling snow, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Sheryl Crow
Kesha Sebert
Charlotte Gainsbourg
 Hayley Williams (Lead singer of the rock band Paramore)
 Elly Jackson aka La Roux
The Like---Consisting of Elizabeth "Z" Berg, Tennessee Jane Bunny Thomas, Laena Geronimo and  Annie Monroe
 Christina Aguilera

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