Wednesday, March 27, 2013


The world goes dark when the planet spins away from the sun.  And half of the twenty-four hour period is spent in darkness.  The other half of the twenty-four hour period is spent in daylight.  And sometimes it looks as if the darkness and the daylight are at war with each other.  In reality, the darkness and the daylight simply agreed to take turns with darkness starting and ending the twenty-four hour period with daylight in the middle.  And yes, the twenty-four hour period might start and end in darkness, but it's the daylight in the middle that matters most of all.  For there are always daylight available no matter how dark night may become.  And sometimes there are moments in the Winter when darkness seems to be visible more than the light.  And sometimes there are moments in the Summer when daylight seems to be visible more than the dark.  Yes, the exchange from darkness to daylight and back to darkness isn't always chronically exact, but it does happen regardless.
And as I'm lot in thought about night and day, here are some photos of actress Kate Mara.

 Rooney Mara and her older sister Kate Mara

 Kate Mara

 Rooney Mara

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