Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Did they put me up to this?  Or did I do this alone.  If I did this alone, then what would I say if it lead to something positive?  If I did this alone, then what would I say if it lead to disaster.  If I did this with helpers, then what would I say if it lead to something positive?  If I did this with helpers, then what wold I say if it lead to disaster.  Did they put me up to this?  What would I gain from letting them put me up to this?  Clearly, I wouldn't let them put me up to this if I wasn't going to get something out of this.  Why would I allow them to put me up to this if I wasn't going to get something out of this?  Would I be a useless waste of human life if I allow them to put me up to this without asking for a price?  And if I allowed them to put me up to this for a price, then what should I charge?  What price should I ask for in return for letting them put me up to this.  I'm not sure if or when I'll allow them to put me up to this.  Did they put me up to this?  Did the universe explode into a new and different place as they put me up to this?  I can see the sparks fly as they put me up to this.  This could lead to exciting new changes that will rewrite everything we ever knew about everything.  In that case, I would like them to put me up to this.   Did they put me up to this?  I'm not certain what I'm talking about as I'm writing this sentence.  Or maybe I'm pretending not to know what they're talking about when I allowed them to put me up to this.  Whatever the reason may be, I learned that motorboats float better when it's on water.  I'll bet they never knew that as they put me up to this.
And as I'm lost in thought about touthpaste and tooth brushes, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Katie Holmes

Lana Del Rey

Morena Baccarin

Adrianne Palicki

Kaley Cuoco

Melissa Joan Hart

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