Monday, March 18, 2013


For those who have seen the films of Arnold Schwarzenegger, you probably have heard one of three famous catch phrases (Next to  Hasta la vista, baby (Spanish for Hasten the View) and Girlie-Men).  However, I'll be back was Arnold Schwarzenegger's most famous catch phrase of them all.  He used it in the Terminator, The Terminator 2:  Judgement Day, The Terminator 3:  Rise of the Machines, Raw Deal, The Running Man, Twins, Kindergarten Cop, The Last Action Hero, Jingle All the Way, The 6th Day and the Expendables 2.  Christian Bail also said the catchphrase in the Terminator:  Salvation---The only Terminator film not to feature Arnold Schwarzenegger (Except for a CGI cameo in the climatic finale). 
However, the catchphrase I'll be Back is actually the mangling of a quote from General Douglas MacArthur made in March 20, 1942 when he made a famous speech that included the famous catchphrase I came through and I shall return when the pro-Nazi Japanese Army lead by Japanese Emperor Hirohito / Emperor Shōwa---the 124th Emperor of Japan overthrew the Pro-United States of America government of the Philippines.  True to form, General Douglas MacArthur did reclaim the Philippines from the Pro-Hitler government of Japanese Emperor Hirohito, though it took lots of bullets and casualties along the way.  What came later, when General Douglas MacArthur was fired for shaking hands with President Harry Truman instead of saluting him only occurred after World War II was concluded.  However, General Douglas MacArthur was the one who originated the I Shall Return (or I'll Be Back) catchphrase. 
Rashida Jones (Quincy Jones' daughter), Natalie Portman and an Unknown Person

Natalie Portman

Rashida Jones and Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman and Rashida Jones

Natalie Portman

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