Thursday, March 21, 2013


I thought I had two minutes left in the computer terminal that I was working on in the public library.  However, I just learned that I have ten minutes left after all.  So I have more time at my disposal to write this Internet blog entry.  I'm not sure what exactly to write about.  I'm sure I'll come up with something brilliant.  Or worse case scenario, I'll just spend the entire Internet blog confessing that I'm not sure what to write about.  In that case, my lack of direction regardless this Internet blog ends up becoming a directional path to take.  Yeah, I know it's a weird thing, but whatever works.  I could talk about how difficult it is for me to spell the word scenario.  Thank GOD for spellcheck.  Without spellcheck, I'll be screwed.  Bad spelling has always hindered me in the days of typewriters before computer word processing programs made typewriters obsolete.  And the spell check function plus the ability to write and rewrite the same blog entry half a dozen times without ever committing it all to paper is beyond brillient.  I'm beyond thankful for the invention of the microchip. 
Here are some photos of actress Beth-Behrs.

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