Saturday, March 23, 2013


It often appears as if the United States Government is stuck in two modes.  The first mode involves starting wars and the second mode involves encouraging consumer spending for material possessions.  There never seems to be much interest in part of the government for anything else.  The Government is to broke to help out the needy and the disadvantaged appears to be the rallying cry.  However, the Government has enough money to go to war against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, possibly Syria and possibly Iran simultaneously appears to be another rallying cry.  And it's weird that all the money that we don't have enough of to rescue corporations from going bankrupt and go to war with almost nearly death to American dictatorship in the Middle East is never around to help out the needy located in American soil.  And yes, it appears as if priorities are badly skewered in the wrong direction.  Yes, I've heard that Iran might have nuclear weapons and could nuke the United States and Israel IF WE DON'T GO TO WAR AGAINST THEM RIGHT NOW.  And yes, I heard that Syria is attacking their own citizens with chemical weapons (The same chemicals the Syrian Government is blaming on the United States rebel army) and could attack the United States with those same chemical weapons IF WE DON'T GO TO WAR AGAINST THEM RIGHT NOW.  And North Korea has long range rockets and nuclear weapons that could be used against the United States IF WE DON'T GO TO WAR AGAINST THEM RIGHT NOW.  So I guess the homeless, the starving, those who are falling through the cracks and the undereducated will have to wait another day as rockets burst in mid-air against the Syrian Government when the United States of America prepares to start another war.  George Carlin once said that the United States of America is the only country on Earth that has the words Bombs Bursting in Air in the lyrics of it's National Anthem.  All the other countries only mentions grassy pastures and flower beds in their national anthem.  And yes, I do believe that is true. 
Leighton Meester

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