Thursday, March 14, 2013


One of these days, I'll take music lessons seriously.  One of these days, I'll take lessons on how to read musical notes seriously.  One of these days, I'll take lessons on how to sing on key seriously.  One of these days, I'll take lessons on how to play a musical instrument seriously.  However, today isn't going to be that day.  There simply isn't enough hours left in the day for such a task.  Perhaps I'll delay it for tomorrow.  Yeah, I know that tomorrow is only a few handfull of hours away, but I'm sure tomorrow will be even better than today.  Tomorrow, the sun will shine a little bit better.  The clouds will be positioned a little bit better.  The grass will have a better shade of green.  Oh yes, tomorrow will be better than today.  So the Gentle Reader and I will wait until tomorrow before taking music lessons seriously. 
And as I'm lost in thought about being lost in thought, here are some photos of actress Lacey Chabert.

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