Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Well, it's the first day of Spring.  The weather was close to eighty (80) degrees this day last year.  This day this year, the weather is close to twenty (20) degrees outside.  I'm not sure what type of game GOD is playing at.  The groundhog saw it's shadow and predicted an early Spring.  Trust me when I tell you, the Gentle Reader, this this doesn't qualify as an early Spring.  In fast, this is nowhere close to an early Spring.  An early Spring is not at all a part of the story whatsoever.  So I look out of the window on the first day of Spring and I see a light coating of snow on the ground.  And I'll shovel that snow from the driveway tomorrow.  Today, I'll get some rest.  Someday the actual season of Spring will arrive, but today won't be that day.  Today it's cold weather, snow, ice, barely enough snow for snowpeople, but cold enough for Winter activities.  I guess actual Spring activities will arrive some other day.  And will the Easter Bunny wear a Winter coat if freezing arctic tempretures continue in the Springitme?  It's possible.  I guess Global Warming is going to be delayed a tiny bit longer than expected. 
And as I'm throwing snowballs in the acrtic tempretures of the first day of Spring, here are some photos of actress Debby Ryan.

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