Saturday, March 23, 2013


It looks as if Winter is finally finished with. The weather climbed to forty (40) degrees today and the snow melted as a result. I'm still cautious though. Winter could still return despite the fact that the Spring season started earlier this week. Hey, anything can happen without warning. Allways be ready for anything. Anyway, the snow is gone and perhaps Winter has gone with the snow. The trees still has no leaves. And I still need a coat when walking outside. Thy is slighly grey, but I'm sure the clear blue sky will arrive. It's the weekend Gentle Reader. And the weekend will continue to be here for all of today and tomorrow. And hopefully, good luck and good fortune will be my constant companion next week. 
And as I'm lost in thought as the snow melts around me, here are some photos of actress Zooey Deschanel.

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