Monday, April 22, 2013


Today is Earth day. Today is the day we're reminded about the effects of pollution has upon the Earth. Today is the day we're reminded about the effects of pollution has upon the greenhouse effect erosion of the ozone layer. Some conservatives claim that there is no such thing as the greenhouse effect erosion of the ozone layer because the Holy Bible never mentions it. Well, the Holy Bible never mentions automobiles and computers and we're using those every day. Does that mean that automobiles and computers doesn't exist because the Holy Bible, written before industrialization and the ozone eroding chemicals were started, never mentions it? Anyway, Earth Day is the day we start to remind ourselves that we need to take the protection of the environment seriously. It's not to late to take care of the Earth before the effects of pollution takes it's toll far beyond any hope of salvation.
And as I'm lost in thought on Earth Day, here are some photos of actress Lisa Kudrow.


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