Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Look at it this way.  With Winter type of freezing cold, there won't be much progress with the lawn.  Which means, I won't need to mow the lawn this week (Or the next week too).  Of course, there's always the chance that the weather will improve later this month.  And the price of corn.  I only ask about the price of corn if I'm desperate to start a conversation.  Of course, I'm not sure how to continue such a conversation because I never know what the price of corn is.  And chances are the person I'm talking to won't know the price of corn either.  So as far as ice breaking conversation starters are concerned, it's likely to produce yet another one word answer.  So then I'll fish for conversation starters of an even more implausible nature. I honestly don't know why I do such a thing to myself.  Anyway, I'm tempted to ask about the price of corn even though I don't know anything about the price of corn and it has no importance to my life.  If I became a farmer, then I'll need to know the price of corn.  And then I'll be frustrated because this is around the time that corn seeds should be planted and it's still much too cold to start the farming process.  But corn is fun to eat.  Corn is great when it's on the cob.  Corn is good in muffins.  Thank GOD for the invention of corn.  Corn is one of the best foods ever.
And as I'm lost in thought about tacos, here are some photos of actress Evan Rachel Wood.

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