Sunday, April 21, 2013


What is the Gentle Reader trying to tell me when informing me that Emelia Clarke isn't a blonde.  I mean, Emelia Clarke has blonde hair on the television show Game of Thrones.  She wears blonde hair well on the television show Game of Thrones.  Ok, I never actually saw a single episode of the television show Game of Thrones.  However, I do know that Emelia Clarke plays a character on the television show Game of Thrones named Daenerys Targaryen (She's the fictional character who always has a baby dragon perched on her shoulder as a sword and sorcery version of a pet dog).   But the actual Emelia Clarke is an Englishwoman born brunette and she wore a blonde wig as required by her character on the television series Game of Thrones.  So I guess a new thing is learned everyday.  And today, I learned the actual hair color of English born actress Emelia Clarke. Oh yeah, I'm also hoping that Daenerys Targaryen---The last of the Targaryen Family will win the battle for the throne on the television series Game of Thrones.





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