Monday, April 1, 2013


So now the Gentle Reader and I are starting a new month.  March 2013 has reached it's conclusion.  Now it's time to start April 2013.  I'm not sure what's going to happen this coming month.  I'm hoping that this coming month will be good news and even better opportunities.  Even if the biggest development has been the end of Winter and cold temperature, I would consider that a positive step in the right direction.  I'll take whatever good news is available to me.  And maybe the groundhog got it wrong when it saw it's shadow and predicted an early Summer.  Perhaps the groundhog did see it's shadow and forgot that it had done so.  Or perhaps the groundhog wanted to say that it saw it's shadow, but didn't know how to put together the needed words and the resulting sentence got misinterpreted.  Some groundhogs passed classes in  and some groundhogs are stuck playing catch up with their meteorology studies.
And as I'm lost in thought as day turns to night, here are some photos of Sarah Michelle Gellar.

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