Thursday, April 4, 2013


The sky above me is blue.  There are some clouds mixed in, but it's mostly blue in color.  The weather outside is warmer.  Could this be the arrival of Spring.  I'm cautious when I say this because I've said it before and then snow fell.  So I could be causing more snow to fall simply by saying that this could be the arrival of Spring.  Yeah, I have superstitious moments.  But the weather is starting to look good so far.  I still have to wear a coat outside and that might continue for a few more weeks before it's warm enough not to need coats.  It's not a hope, but a guaranteed fact.  Hot Summer weather is must around the corner.  Patience is all that's needed.  Patience is something that I'm very good at.
And as I'm lost in thought as Summer approaches closer and closer, here are some photos of Vivian Girls rock band member   "Kickball Katy" Goodman.

 Kickball Katy Goodman and Cassie Ramone

 Katy Goodman, a friend, Cassie Ramone and a friend
 Shellshag, Kickball Katy Goodman, Alison Crutchfield and Cassie Ramone
Vivian Girls members Ali Koehler and Katy Goodman
Vivian Girls member Cassie Ramone

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