Wednesday, May 15, 2013


It's hard to imagine what life was like before the invention of coffee.  I mean, how did people in Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome or the Medieval era function without coffee?  I mean, there was such a thing as tea back then.  Or was there.  Let me check.  Tea was created in China during the Shang Dynasty somewhere between 1600 BC to 1046 BC.  Tea was introduced to Europe in the Sixteenth (16th) Dynasty when merchants and priests from Portugal introduced what was considered a form of medicine to their European peers. 
And as for coffee, well the The Oromo ethnic designation in Ethiopia were the first to invent and consume coffee.  There is an unproven legendary myth about an Oromo Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi who first saw goats being excited when eating a certain bean and began eating it too (Because goat food is yummy).  An Islamic Iman tossed it in the fire to punish Kaldi because eating goat food is against Islamic law.  Well, that produced an aroma and compelled Kaldi to crush the coffee bean and pour hot water over it to create a brand new beverage.  Even the Islamic Iman enjoyed it.  Other people claimed that a different Ethiopian named  Sheik Omar invented coffee (Why give credit to goat farmers when the rich and powerful can take credit instead).  The Ottoman Turkish people introduced coffee to Europe somewhere close to the year 1598. 
So there you have it.  There were no such thing as either tea or coffee in both Ancient Greece and in Ancient Rome.  Gosh darn the luck.
And as I'm lost in thought while trying to decide if I should drink tea or coffee, here are some photos of the following celebrities attending the Star Trek:  Into Darkness premiere in Hollywood, California.
Alice Eve

Kate Beckinsale

Jennifer Morrison

 Maria Menounos

Dakota Blue Richards (She played Lyra Belacqua in the film the Golden Compass)

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