Thursday, May 9, 2013


Well, I mowed the lawn.  I mowed the lawn roughly a week ago and already the lawn is starting to look kind of shaggy again.  So out goes the lawn mowing and I start trimming the lawn once again.  So now the front and back lawn looks presentable once again.  Yes, mowing the lawn is exausting and time consuming.  However, there's nothing wrong with making sure the the house I'm living in is both clean and presentable.  A little bit of cleaning and preventative maintence means that really huge cleaning projects won't start building up at the last second.  Cleaning is the never ending struggle against the forces of entropy.  And seeing chaos returned back to civlized order gives me a sence of satisfaction that makes the cleaning process worth while.
And as I'm lost in thought while mowing the front and back lawn, here are some photos of Emma Watson.

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