Saturday, May 11, 2013


Today is Saturday.  Friday was yesterday.  Sunday is tomorrow.  The old week is ending soon.  The new week is starting soon.  Time moves forward.  Time never stays still.  Time is never locked in place.  The sky is cloudy.  There's a slight chill in the weather.  Perhaps the weather will get warmer tomorrow.  I'll need to check the weather reports just to be sure.  Right now, it's Saturday.  It's the weekend.  The weekday will be starting soon.  I'm living in Cleveland, Ohio and yet I rarely get to see Lake Erie.  Sometimes I wonder how many citizens of Cleveland, Ohio actually got the chance to see Lake Erie.  I believe that everybody living in Cleveland, Ohio should give themselves a chance to catch a glimpse of Lake Erie at least once per month bare bones minimum. 
And as I'm lost in thought about chef salad with french dressing, here are some photos of Tara Reid.

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