Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Chris Evans as Steve Rogers aka Captain America hasn't been spotted in Cleveland, Ohio filming scenes from Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow hasn't been spotted either.  However, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury is currently in Cleveland, Ohio filming scenes for  Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  And as expected, instead of a calm and casual slow moving conversation piece, instead is non-stop exaggerated violence with unrealistic stunts that nobody expects an actual police office to engage in.  It's still very much a popcorn movie filled with macho men wearing effeminate spandex outfits.  And the first day of filming scenes from  Captain America: The Winter Soldier has cars exploding and what might be either a car chase or a blood soaked explosion filled battle in the streets of Cleveland, Ohio.  Because this week is the week that Hollywood turns Cleveland, Ohio into a motion picture set.  It will be interesting to see how Chris Evans as Steve Rogers aka Captain America and Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff aka Black widow fits into all of this.  Don't be confused by the markings on the soon-to-be-exploded cars.  Cleveland, Ohio is pretending to be Washington D.C. for the entire duration of Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson hanging out in Cleveland, Ohio for their Hollywood film shoot.







Captain America wrecks more police cars than the Bo and Luke Duke from the Dukes of Hazzard
 More black SUV demolition attacks
Be careful when traveling anywhere near Euclid Avenue or any other portion of Downtown Cleveland, Ohio because filming the colorful action costume super-suit super-hero film Captain America:  Winter Soldier is likely to close down certain roads on certain days.
 He went through the same Captain America Force super-soldier experiment that Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America went through.  However, while Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America learned to cope with his colorful action super-powers, Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier was driven psychotic by his colorful action super-powers.  Think of Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier as a variation of Dorrance aka Bane from the Batman films.  Sebastian Stan performs as Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier.  Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier is a former crime fighting ally turned mortal arch-enemy.  Or to put it another way, Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier is former colorful action costume super-suit wearing super-hero turned colorful action costume super-suit wearing super-villain.  Or to put it another way, Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Solder is one of two main villains (Crossbones is colorful action costume super-suit wearing super-villain mortal arch enemy number two).  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier is a United States of America hating lunatic determined to take over the world (But won't know what to do with it if his weird and wacky plans for world conquest actually succeeds (Which it clearly won't)). 
Or to quote Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier, "You can't stop me Captain America.  I'm invincible and my plans to take over the world on behalf of (Insert death to the United States dictatorship or terrorism militia here) will succeed and you can't stop me.  And now as I stick you in a needlessly convoluted death trap that can be easily escaped from, I'm going to take forever with the final countdown that can be easily dismantled at the last second while I make needlessly long speeches instead of just shooting you.  Brahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha."
Captain America replies, My GOD Bucky, what happened to you.  You used to be a nice person, but now you have become a jerk you stupid piece of (Insert more swear words here)."

 Hollywood is filming scenes for Captain America:  Winter Soldier in the cemetery.  But why?  What's in the cemetery that's so special?  Will Captain America find Crossbones in the cemetery.  I guess somebody named Crossbones might find the cemetery a very special place to hang out.  Perhaps Crossbones is a reanimated corpse from the cemetery.  Maybe it's Captain America's job to put Crossbones back into the cemetery with the use of extreme vigilante violence while dressed in his colorful action costume super-suit.

Actually, Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier stopped by the cemetary to look at the tombstones of all the members of the Howling Commandos who died of senior citizen related natural causes and not by his own hand.

Somebody has made a very fun arts and crafts project on the set of Captain America:  Winter Soldier.
 And here is where Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury steps into the story.  Psychos are turning the streets of Cleveland, Ohio pretending to be Washington D.C. into a war zone.  Don't call the police.  The Police is useless.  Don't call the United States Armed Forces.  The United States Armed Forces is useless.  Call colorful action costume super-suit wearing super-heros.  Only colorful action costume super-suit wearing super-heros can save the day.

Samuel L. Jackson talks to Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson about this, that and the other thing
 Stay tuned for more details as Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson continues to bring Hollywood to Cleveland, Ohio for the next couple of weeks.

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