Sunday, May 26, 2013


Kristen Stewart is going for a walk.  She doesn't need to tell you where she's going.  She doesn't need to tell you why she's going.  She doesn't need to tell you how long she's going to be out.  All that she's going to tell you is that she's going for a walk.  That's all that's needed to be known.

There are subtle ways to communicate.  There are subtle ways to get the point across.  There are subtle ways of expressing whatever it is that you want to express.  In essence, the biggest advantage of humanity is all the many different ways of communication that isn't provided to other forms of life.  And the ability to chose forms of communication is one of them.  Take film actress Kristen Stewart.  Now poor Kristen Stewart may have woken up on the wrong side of the bed.  The coffee maker didn't work and spilled coffee all over the counter.  Her cigarettes turned out to be joke exploding cigarettes.  Somebody ruined her concentration while she was shaving her legs and ruined her favorite blouse in the process.  Somebody stepped on her foot.  Her car has a flat tire.  And this has been the thirtieth flat tire her car had for the month of May alone.  There has been one hundred and fifty (150) flat tires afflicted against her car (Much to her chagrin) for the first half of 2013.  One hundred and fifty (150) more flat tires afflicted against her car is to come.  You can see that Kristen Stewart may not be in the mood for subtle forms of communication after all that has been afflicted against her day after day and efforts to express her frustration keeps being defeated by clueless jerks who just simply doesn't seem to understand.  And perhaps Kristen Stewart will be in a better mood later in the day.  Just keep in mind that Kristen Stewart has a lot of power in clout in Hollywood.  Kristen Stewart has what it takes to get you employed in Hollywood. 

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