Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Emily Van Camp plays Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne.  Her biologic father was killed by Victoria Grayson and no she's driven to wiping out the entire Grayson all the way to zero---Both the good and the wicked, bankrupt the entire Grayson Family before killing a lonely and destitute Victoria Grayson as the final act.  And for both seasons, the television show Revenge kept vaguely suggesting that Daniel Grayson (Played by Joshua Bowman---Emily VanCamp's actual opposite gender love  interest and best friend as well as her fictional opposite gender romance and mortal enemy) must be the first of the primary Grayson family to die.  Well, the bad news was that Daniel Grayson was in Grayson Global offices when Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne detonates a bomb.  The good news is that he survived without a scratch.  The good news, is that Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne murdered one of her Revenge seeking minions by accident.  To be more exact,  Declan Porter (Played by Connor Paolo) and the biologic son of Jack Porter (Played by Nick Wechsler) and the possible step-son of Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne was murdered by a bomb that his possible future step-mother planted and detonated.  Well that's not convenient.  Because Declan Porter was needed to lure Charlotte Grayson (Played by Christa B. Miller) to the graveyard.  Now now that Declan Porter is dead, somebody else needs to chop up Charlotte Grayson with a kitchen knife so that Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne's revenge against the entire Grayson Family can be completed.  In other words, nobody in the Grayson Family is affected beyond losing the corporate headquarters of their multi-nation corporation.  Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne lost her future step-son and a crucial ally.  I guess it's a good day to be a Grayson Family Thug after all.
So this is the bottom line.  Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne tried to protect her future step-son Declan Porter and ironically ended up blowing him up to the graveyard.  Victoria Grayson tried to protect her son Daniel Grayson and her daughter Charlotte Grayson and not only destroyed the would be murderers of her two children, but even gained a third child named Patrick Grayson.  Now there's five Grayson primary family members for Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne to wipe out instead of just only four.  Gosh darn the luck. 





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