Tuesday, June 11, 2013


And when night returns, daylight becomes a thing of the past.  And when night returns, the moon and the stars shall replace the light of the sun.  And when the light of the sun is gone, the moon and the stars alone will provide illumination.  For I'm more comfortable in the night.  I'm not sure if I ever shared that with the Gentle Reader, but it's true.  Yes, the world is more alive in the daytime.  The world is mostly asleep in the night.  Yet, more stores, restaurants and other forms of business is open in the daytime.  And when night returns, such options are limited.  You have to take the bad with the good sometimes.  And when night returns, I look outside and there's nothing but darkness.  Perhaps a flashlight will provide illumination.  And when the flashlight breaks down, any hope for illumination has gone with it.  Yet, I'm confident that I can walk freely in the dark without any harm coming towards me.  And so the night returns to replace the day.  Welcome to the midnight hour.
And as I'm lost in thought as night returns to cover the land, here are some photos of AnnaLynne McCord. 

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