Tuesday, June 4, 2013


It's morning once again.  The window is open and the warm summer breeze is blowing through the window.  I can also hear the traffic as it travels down a nearby road just behind the backyard.  And I can hear traffic very loudly from a nearby road too.  Living in the suburbs means that there will always be the sound of traffic somewhere.  And the washing machine is running.  Soon the laundry will be done.  The lawn looks nice.  I mowed the lawn recently and it still looks perfect.  The sky is blue with very few clouds.  There's still a bit of a chill in the air, but it's still warm enough to open the window and keep it open.  It's too expensive to start the air conditioning and keep it going.  The Summer breeze blowing through the window is much more cost effective than running the air conditioning non-stop for the entire day.
And as I'm lost in thought while taking another sip of steaming hot coffee, here are some photos of Ellie Goulding.

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