Friday, June 21, 2013


The Gentle Reader could try to dig a hole in Cleveland, Ohio.  However, I should warn the Gentle Reader that such a task would be difficult.  This isn't the loose dirt like soil that would be found elsewhere.    Soil in Cleveland, Ohio tends to consist of a tough clay-like substance.  I should know because I tried to dig holes to plant trees and found the tough clay like soil being tough to move a shovel through.  And yes, I know that Cleveland, Ohio used to be a farming community.  But honestly, I have trouble understanding how any farming could be done with such tough clay-like soil.  Still, farms flourished without fail in Cleveland, Ohio---Tough clay-like soil and all.  So I guess there are people out there who are able to dig holes inside tough unyielding clay before in the past. 
And as I'm lost in thought while holding a shovel, here are some photos of Shailene Woodley.

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