Thursday, June 27, 2013


Exercise is fun.  Exercise is exciting.  Exercise is a great way to keep the body in shape.  It's always a good idea to avoid drugs and tobacco.  Keep alcohol in moderation.  Eat food that's healthy.  Some people found it easier to be vegetarians.  However, keeping a vegetarian diet has never been a practical goal.  But if the Gentle Reader wishes to keep a vegetarian diet, it's a worthy goal.  Keep junk food to a minimum.  And exercise daily.  People of both genders should exercise frequently and regularly.  And without harmfull chemicles, a healthy diet and lots of exercise, the body will feel better.  It's easier to avoid exercise because it takes too much work.  However, exercise is only too much work for those who don't exercise frequently.  For those who do exercise frequently, exercise becomes easier and eaiser with each passing day. 
And as I'm lost in thought while trying to keep in good physical shape, here are some photos of Kristin Kreuk.

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