Saturday, June 15, 2013


If there wasn't any lightbulbs, then the Gentle Reader and I would be using candles.  If there wasn't any ability to use computers to write blogs on the Internet, then I'd be writing this in a spiral notebook using a ball point pen.  If there wasn't any airplanes, then people would either ride horses or they would travel by boat.  If machines can't be used to operate factories, then everything would be made from scratch.  Life would be rougher.  Life would be simpler.  However, life as we know it won't end because electricity suddenly was gone.  And the Chicago Cubs would still play baseball if they had to play under the light of candles.  I have faith in the Human Race.  I believe the human race will still survive despite themselves.  However, gasoline isn't a non-renewable energy source.  And the Human Race will run out of gasoline sooner or later.  What happens if Conservative Politicians proudly brag that they will drill baby drill when there isn't anymore crude oil left to drill?  And it's moments like that which will truly test the human race. 
And as I'm lost in thought while thankfull for the continuation of electricity, here are some photos of Rita Ora.

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