Thursday, June 6, 2013


Michael Joeseph Jackson died on December 2009 after a lifetime of genius music, gay child molestation scandal, drug abuse, weird unnecessary plastic surgery and eccentric behavior (Earning him the nickname Wacko Jacko). Michael Jackson was only fifty years old when he died in a drug overdose. He was symbiotic with a pet chimpanzee named Bubbles. He had his own private amusement park and his own private zoo in the backyard of his Neverland Ranch (Not much of a ranch after all that amusement park and zoo stuff was installed). He tried and failed to purchase the remains of Joseph Carey Merrick aka the Elephant Man (Though he claims that never happened). And through fifty years of taking genius level talent and ruining his career with unproven gay child molestation drug abuse and eccentric behavior, he managed to produce three children (All three of which are named Michael Jackson). His oldest child was named Michael Joseph Jackson Jr aka Prince Michael was born on February 13, 1997. Michael Jackson's daughter Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson was born on April 3, 1998. His third child Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II aka Blanket was born on February 21, 2002. Michael Jackson's second wife, Debbie Rowe was the birth mother for the first two children. The birth mother for the third child is unknown. All three children are half Caucasian and half African-American. Well, Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson is now fifteen years old. She's living in a mansion with bodyguards, servants, Jackson family entourage of paid friends and record company contacts. She can't step outside her giant sized mansion without getting bombarded with the paparazzi. And her father, Michael Jackson, died from a drug overdose. And suffering from depression, Paris Jackson attempted and failed to commit suicide by cutting her wrists and drug overdose (Not the same drug overdose that killed her father, but somewhat close to it). Paris Jackson is now under suicide watch observation at a mental health clinic. All the wealth and privilege that Paris Jackson enjoys didn't bring her happiness and now she's at a crossroads trying to figure out what she should do now.





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