Monday, June 24, 2013


Night has returned.  Daylight has briefly left us, but not to worry.  Daylight will return.  The Gentle Reader and I has nighttime as a companion for the next few hours.  It's all a matter of science.  Earth is not the center of the solar system nor is it the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.  Humans are just a cog in a machine much bigger than they are.  And as part of this machine, the Earth spins on it's axis.  For one side of the globe to bathed in sunlight from the sun to produce daytime, the other side of the globe must be facing away from the sun to produce nighttime.  The Earth is always spinning around and around like a top constantly in motion.  And the Earth is always orbiting the Sun over and over again.  And the Earth's orbiting position determines the seasons.  And now the placement of Earth's orbit around the sun has made the Summer season possible---Or rather, that's the season Cleveland, Ohio is in right now.  And so the moon and the stars is high above the Gentle Reader and I right now.  The sky is plunged in utter darkness that can only be illuminated by a flashlight.  And a large majority of Cleveland, Ohio is getting ready for bed.  Perhaps some crickets can be heard chirping in the background.  Ah yes, night is lively too in it's own unique manner.
And as I'm lost in thought under the moon and the stars, here are some photos of Rachel McAdams. 

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