Thursday, June 20, 2013


Cell phones are a blessing to some and a curse to others.  The blessings that cell phones bring are as follows...
1.  Waiting for the phone to ring doesn't involve being glued to the phone for hours.  Instead, it's possible to walk around and do other activities while waiting for the phone to ring.
2.  Being stuck in the desert with a car stricken with a broken engine is easier when it's possible to telephone a tow truck with the cell phone.
3.  Smart phones makes it possible to make films, take photos, play games, watch television, surf the Internet and that's just for starters.
However, the disadvantage with cell phones is that nobody wants to use public pay phones anymore.  And telephone booths are no longer used by anybody anywhere.  So now all the public pay phones and the telephone booths has nowhere to go except the junkyard to rust away to nothing.

This is where the computer goes after it's tossed out in the trash.  And some trush dump employees are suffering from health problems if certain precautions isn't used before, during and after sorting through the growing mountain of desk top computers that nobody wants to use anymore.  Guiyu, eastern China and perhaps India too is where a large portion of the computers, cell phones and lap top computers that are tossed in the morning trash end up going to.  Only twenty-five (25) percent of thrown out cell phones are actually recycled.  Seventy-five (75) percent of thrown out cell phones end up in a landfill (And sometimes in either China or India instead of the United States).


You may not be heading towards Beijing, China for a vacation, but the desktop computer that you tossed out may be on it's way over there.  A few of the desktop computers that were tossed out are in Beijing, China already.  This is paradise for Chinese metal scrapers looking for a quick Renminbi (China's version of the dollar bill).
This is where your Rotary-dial phones end up after it's been tossed out in the morning trash and wind up in the friendly neighborhood junkyard.
Always remember that everything the garbage truck picks up ends up going somewhere eventually.

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