Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Scarlett Johansson finally makes her appearance against Sebastan Stan as Bucky Barnes aka Winter Soldier---A former Howling Commando ally turned psychotic Communist and Middle Easter Terrorism supporting super-villain enemy.  Bucky Barnes went psychotic before, during or after he underwent unauthorized Super Soldier experiment----The same Super-Soldier experiment that Captain America underwent.  Which means that two former friends turned bitter enemies have the same super-powered ability.  In other words, there's a 50/50 percent chance that the wicked psychotic Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier might actually succeed in killing Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America.  Anyway, Cleveland, Ohio continues to play the role of Washington D.C..


Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow  is aided by Chris Evans as Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America a few minutes later.
Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America fights against Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier in mortal combat.

And this is the part where former Howing Commando Ally turned sworn enemy Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier jumps off the bridge without hurting himself with his brand new Captain America duplication abilities that he never had in the 1940's (Before he turned traitor).

  It goes like this, now here's the thing.  Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America and Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier were best friends and coworkers on the same Howling Commandos military platoon.  Then Captain Steve Rogers was frozen in a block of ice and was in a coma for roughly forty years and for all intent and purposes was legally dead.  However, immortality didn't want him to stay that way.  So he woke up from being dead to find that Bucky Barnes has no need for Captain Steve Rogers' friendship anymore so Captain Steve Rogers might as well just die and stay dead.  However, since Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America is immortal, he can't die.  But he can't go back to the Howling Commandos either because they're either eldrly and dead from natural causes, elderly and crippled by senior citizen related diseases or gone psychotic with rage because of the way Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America lead (Or mislead) them in the 1940's.  So now the immortal Captain Steve Rogers aka Captain America can't be with the Howling Commandos anymore, but he can't satisfy Bucky Barnes need for him to be dead because he's immortal so he has to form a brand new friendship group called the Avengers.  Oh yes, Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Solder wants to punish Captain Steve Rogers crime of wanting to be friends with him in the 1940's by blowing up a public bus full of innocent people.  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell the Gentle Reader about that part of the story.  Ooops, sorry about that.

Be very very quiet.  We're busy making a movie about Captain America
Hollywood filmmakers making a film around the highway debris
Nobody will be able to drive that car anymore.
More photos from the Captain America:  Winter Soldier film shoot in Cleveland, Ohio

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