Monday, June 17, 2013


And so the Summer has arrived.  Spring has become a distant memory.  And with the third week of June kicking into high gear, the Gentle Reader and I have reached the halfway portion of the year 2013.  Nothing much is going on beyond that.  It's a quiet existance when the calander is more interesting than my day to day existance.  Not that I'm actively seeking anything huge on purpose.  My life isn't the sort of existance that will change entire governments and established continuity beyond recognition.  Yeah, it would be nice if I were that important of a person.  However, I'm merely a professional minimum wage employed janitor living in Cleveland, Ohio.  Yeah, I know that Cleveland, Ohio isn't nearly as exciting as Miami, Florida.  However, Ohio does have it's good moments too.  And in the end, my quiet humble existance is a nice start towards something that's hopefully better than what I'm having right now.
And as I'm lost in thought while munching on a bag of potato chips, here are some photos of Sandra Bullock.



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