Sunday, June 23, 2013


Gentle Reader, the public library will close soon.  I have five minutes left to write this.  I'm not sure if what I'm going to write will be profound, but it's the first thing that came to mind.  How much time do I have left?  Let's see, I only have four minutes left.  Four minutes left to write something that hopefully will be meaningfull to somebody else.  Or at least, it will be meaningful to me.  And it's a hot summer day.  The tempreture is ninety degrees.  It's great weather for walking ninety minutes home.  Someday I'll purchase myself a brand new bicycle.  Right now, it's Sunday and the public library will close soon.  Time is running out.  I only have three minutes left.    
And as I'm lost in thought while getting ready for a ninety minute walk, here are some photos of Anna Kendrick.  

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