Saturday, June 29, 2013


Time can't be rewound.  You can't go back to the start of the day and have the entire day redone.  Any mistakes that's done is pretty much remain as is.  Part of making mistakes is learning from such mistakes so that such blunders won't be repeated.  I never claimed to be perfect.  And with luck, I have learned from the mistakes that I've made in my life.  Or rather, I hope that I still have the capacity to understand any mistakes and understand how to learn from such mistakes so that such mistakes won't be repeated.  Part of making a mistake is resolving never to repeat it again.  Making a mistake, knowing the mistake is made and then doing that same mistake again is a missed opportunity for self improvement.  And in the end, seeking self improvement is the path towards enlightenment.  And even though everybody falls short of expectations every now and then, living life with as little mistakes as possible is the goal in life.
And as I'm lost in thought as I'm reading a book, here are some photos of Anna Paquin.




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