Monday, June 24, 2013


It would be cool to live in an underwater city.  How cool would it be to swim to and from the city.  Normal sized and mini submarines can be used to travel across the ocean floor.  I could look out of the window to see fishes swim past.  It won't matter if it rains when I live underwater because I'm already soaking wet.  I could wear my swimsuit and swim out of the front door to hang out with the fishes among the seaweed and the kelp.  Yeah, centuries will pass before an underwater city is ready to be built.  Still, it's a wait that I'm willing to undertake.  Because I love to swim.  And I'd love to live in an underwater city.  And those tow factors combines is perfect moment for the ages.  Right now, I still have to live on dry land, but there's always the nearby swimming pool ofr me to enjoy.
And as I'm lost in thought about bathing suits and underwater cities, here are some photos of Jamie Chung.


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