Tuesday, June 25, 2013


They say that variety is the spice of life.  Rain is used to counter-balance the dry weather.  The ice and snow of Winter is used to counter-balance the hot scorching Summer weather.  Life isn't nearly so interesting if the weather is unifromly the same.  And the lack of understanding regarding the variety of weather patterns isn't GOD's fault, but it's our fault for our lack of understanding.  Of course some people will say that Summer is much better than Winter.  Some people will say that dry weather is better than rain.  However, the rain prevents droughts.  With the rain, lakes and streams continue to thrive.  With the rain, outdoor plants gets the food they need.  The snow makes it possible to ski and ice skate.  And so GOD has a purpose for all weather patterns even if they use of such weather patterns isn't obvious at first. 
And as I'm lost in thought after the rain fell, here are some photos of Ashley Benson.



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