Saturday, June 22, 2013


It's not a good idea to go swimming next to a great white shark.  Yeah, great white sharks has a place in GOD's kingdom and serve a purpose that GOD only knows about.  And to mess with GOD's great plan would cause damage and harm to the fate and future of the human race.  For that reason alone, the great white shark deserve to survive and enjoy a long lifespan.  Still, I won't go swimming with a great white shark.  And if the great white shark choses to pick a portion of the ocean as it's home, I'll never challenge such a claim.  For I'll never be able to wrestle with a great white shark and live to tell the story.  And I'll enjoy looking at the great white shark at the aquarium.  For great white sharks that live in the aquarium are the safest great white shark creatures of them all.
And as I'm lost in thought about sharks and assorted other fishes, here are some photos of the following celebrities.
Ashley Tisdale

 Ashley Tisdale and Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Greene
Vanessa Hudgens
Ashley Greene

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