Wednesday, June 12, 2013


When I attended junior high and high school in the 1980's decade, it wasn't my intention to become an Internet blogger. Heck, Apple IIe computers was the most advance cutting edge computer for the era that I attended junior high and high school in. There were such a thing as the Internet, but it was only used for universities and the government. And there were no such thing as a blogger when I attended junior high and high school. Heck, card catalogs were the only way to find anything in the library when I attended junior high and high school. However, Internet blogging was something that I only recently drifted towards and I'm slowly and surely starting to enjoy it. I wish Internet blogging was in existence when I attended junior high and high school, but I guess good things come to those who are willing to patiently wait a few years. The right things will fall into place the right way when patience becomes a virtue.
And as I'm lost in thought while typing on the computer, here are some photos of Anne Hathaway.

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