Sunday, June 16, 2013


I'm still sort of on the young side (even though white hair is starting to appear on my head).  I'm only forty-four (44) years old.  I'm only fifty-five years away from becoming 100 years old.  Do I have the ability to blend into the crowd only too well.  Or does people expect somebody else to show up when they're being told that I'm about to appear.  Or perhaps I'm just typing weird random sentences just for the heck of it.  I never use outlines when writing Internet blogs.  I always type out the first thing that comes to mind and pray that whatever I type out actually makes sence.  And though I don't always succeed, even getting as close to it would be a positive first step.  I'm forty-four and I continue to live my existance one day at a time.  And with luck, I'll be living an existence that I will look back upon with pride and satisfaction.
And as I'm lost in thought while eating coffee flavored ice cream, here are some photos of Denise Richards.

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