Saturday, July 27, 2013


The Doctor Who latest episode entitled the 50th Anniversary Special is on it's way.  And the BBC has offered another brief glimpse of the episode which already has Matt Smith as Doctor Who #11, David Tennant as Doctor Who #10, John Hurt as a possible Doctor Who #12 (I'm not sure where the BBC is going with this plot thread just yet), Billie Piper as Rose Tyler and Jenna Louise Coleman as Clara Oswin Oswald, evil Zygon monsters and now evil Dalek Monsters---The sworn arch enemy of Doctor Who.  Here we have the Daleks suitably roasting in Hellfire (Where they rightfully belong).

So I know what the Gentle Reader is asking.  Where is Freema Agyeman as Doctor Martha Jones (She's currently on the Carrie Diaries), Catherine Tate as Donna Noble (She's currently on the United States of America version of the Office),  Noel Clarke as Mickey Smith, John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness, Karen Gillan as Amelia Amy Pond and Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams?  Well, I can't speak for any of them because I never met or interacted with famous celebrities since I'm only working minimum wage.  However, I do know that Karen Gillan is working as the evil homicidal maniac heartlessly sick, deranged family wrecking, nation smashing, orphanage destroying, planet stomping, child killing, city killing villain Nebula in the Marvel comic book movie Gardians of the GalaxyGardians of the Galaxy are about colorful action costume wearing super-heros who fight crime in outer space hopping from planet to planet inside a super-hero spaceship.  Thanos is supposed to be the main villain in both Gardians of the Galaxy and in The Avengers:  Age of Ultron, but the actor playing the role isn't showing up on yet.
And as I'm lost in thought about comic books, here are some photos of the following celebrities hanging out at the San Diego Comic Book Convention.
Karen Gillan (Nebula)

 Karen Gillan (Nebula) and Michael Rooker (Yondu )
Dijimon Hounsou (Korath the Pursuer), Karen Gillan (Nebula) and Michael Rooker (Yondu)
 Karen Gillan (Nebula)
Lee Pace (Ronan the Acuser) Dijimon Hounsou (Korath the Pursuer), Karen Gillan (Nebula) and Michael Rooker (Yondu)

 Dijimon Hounsou (Korath the Pursuer), Karen Gillan (Nebula) and Michael Rooker (Yondu)
 Dijimon Hounsou (Korath the Pursuer) and Karen Gillan (Nebula)
 Karen Gillan (Nebula) and Michael Rooker (Yondu)

Zoe Saldana (Gamora)

Michael rooker (Yondu) and Zoe Saldana (Gamora)
 Director James Gunn, actors Chris Pratt (Peter Quill aka Star Lord) and Zoe Saldana (Gamora)
I don't understand why Karen Gillan is bothering to shave off her hair for.  Nebula never had a bald scalp a day in her life.  This is what Nebula looks like in the Marvel Comic book universe.  Karen Gillan only needed to dye her hair black and literelly nothing else (Beyond wearing lots of red, purple and black spandex combined with knee high boots).

Oh, that's why Karen Gillan is shaving her hair off for her role as Nebula.
This is the comic book version of Gamora.

This is the comic book version of Ronan the Accuser
 Ronan the Accuser is having sex with Crystalia Amaquelin aka Crystal---The wife of Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver
Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver talks about it with his father Erik Lehnsherr aka Magneto and his fraternal twin sister Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch
Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver, his father Erik Lehnsherr aka Magneto and his fraternal twin sister Wanda Maximoff aka The Scarlet Witch discuss Crystalia Amaquelin and her adultery affair with Ronan the Accuser a little bit more.
The Vision is an andriod built by Ultron who was built by Dr. Henry Hank Prym.  However, Ultron erased Dr. Henry Hank Prym's memory of ever building Ultron and Dr. Henry Hank Prym never knew that Ultron (A robot with no human elements) built the Vision without permission from anybody.  And then  Erik Lehnsherr aka Magneto's daugher (And fraternal twin sister of  Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver) fell in love and married the Vision.  Oh yes, I nearly forgot.  The Vision (No secret identity is needed) had no opinion when he heard about Crystalia Amaquelin aka Crystal and her adultery affair with Ronan the Accuser.

But in the end, Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver's rage against his wife Crystalia Amaquelin aka Crystal and her adultery affair with Ronan the Accuser was too much for him to tolerate.
This is the comic book version of Korath the Pursuer
This is the comic book version of Yondu

 This is the comic book version of Peter Quill aka Star Lord

Karen Gillan isn't allowed to enter the San Diego Comic Book Convention without being photographed standing in front of the San Diego Comic Book Convention logo by the paparatzi.

Meanwhile, Jenna Louise Coleman continues to support her role as Clara Oswin Oswald---The latest sidekick for Doctor Who by participating in the Television Critics Association (TCA) Summer 2013 press tour on behalf of the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Meanwhile, Billie Piper, who once played Doctor Who's sidekick Rose Tyler (She's also a rock star too), is busy eating out at the The Groucho Club restaurant with her spouse  Laurence Fox.

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