Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Who invented music.  How did music come into the process of being invented.  Somebody picked up a musical instrument type of object, banged it together and discovered the concept of melody?  Or was the invention of music less accidental and more intentional?  The name of the person who invented music is lost in time forever.  The same way that the name of the person who invented the wheel is lost in time forever.  And without written record, the name and biography of the person who invented music will never be discovered.  And the human race will never get to learn what was the name and the melody of the first song ever written in the history of the human race.  Still, listening to music is fun, enlightening and enjoyable.  Life is much better with music as a part of it.
And as I'm lost in thought about music and songs, here are some photos of Sigrid Agren.

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