Thursday, July 11, 2013


Linda Lovelace was a porn film (people actually having sex for real on film and then marketed as entertainment) actress who later on wakes up to become an anti-pornography activist.  She died on April 22, 2002 after suffering from brain trama from two seperate unrelated car wrecks.  The first car wreck was in the 1970's and she got Hepatitis (An AIDS related sexually transmitted disease) not from the having sex for real porn films that she done, but from a blood transfusion following the 1970's era car wreck.  The second and final car wreck was before she slipped into a coma before April 22, 2002.  Here are some photos of Linda Lovelace.

Lindsay Lohan was supposed to play the role of Linda Lovelace in a film biography.  However, Lindsay Lohan's better living through drug abuse and drunk driving lead to an early expulsion from the film project.  In other words, the film biography Lovelace was too trashy looking for Lindsay Lohan to tolerate (I know that's a weird thing to say.  Just nod your head and go along with it).  Amanda Seyfried ended up taking over the role of Linda Lovelace in the film biography project---Soon to be in a movie theater near you.  I guess what's old is now new again.
I guess people who are huge supporters of Hugh Heffner and the movies Flashdance and Coyote Ugly as well as the television series the Playboy Club might enjoy watching the film biography Lovelace.  However, everybody else might cringe at the mere mention of the film.  I can imagine the conversation between Amanda Seyfried and her agent.
Amanda Seyfried:  Ok, what films do you have for me to audition for?
Film Agent:  Well, you can play the rigid, inflexible wife who is never any fun to hang around with who only warms up when the football team wins the Superbowl.  You can play some dude's crazed, lunatic girlfriend from heck who is never any fun to hang around with.  Or you can play a prostitute stripper with a heart of gold who dies in a convenient car wreck when she starts an anti-pornography crusade against the pimp who employed and abused her.  The prostitute stripper with a heart of gold is the only woman film role who is lots of fun to hang around with.  Which means that lots and lots of men in Hollywood would rather hang out with hookers instead of hanging out with genuine actual women.  Which film role do you want?
Amanda Seyfried:  Well, I want to stay in that amazing mansion that I'm currently living in so I'll play the a prostitute stripper with a heart of gold who dies in a convenient car wreck when she starts an anti-pornography crusade against the pimp who employed and abused her.  Such a shame there isn't any other film roles out there beyond those limited three.
Film Agent:  Hey, this is Hollywood.  That's the way it's always been and that's the way it always will be.  You might as well learn to live with it.

More retro 1970's era scenes of Amanda Seyfried as Linda Susan Boreman aka Linda Lovelace.

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