Friday, July 5, 2013


Gentle Reader, it's always a good idea to change the sheets on the bed at least once a week.   Even if the sheets covering the bed doesn't look dirty, it's usually a good idea to change the sheets on the bed anyway.  Dirt isn't always visible.  The bed is important if the Gentle Reader is hoping to get some rest.  Yeah, it's possible to sleep without a bed.  However, sleeping is always much better with the bed.  And if the Gentle Reader is hoping to sleep on a bed, make sure the sheets covering the bed is clean and changed once a week. 
And as I'm lost in thought while sleeping every night, here are some photos of Rooney Mara.  Rooney Mara is second generation entertainment royalty.  Well, professional football is entertainment for large portions of the population, but it's actually athletics.  However, Rooney Mara never pursued a career in athletics, but instead chose to be an actress.  Her father's side of the family co-founded the New York Giants football team.  Her Mother's side of the family co-founded the Pittsburgh Steelers football team.  Anytime the New York Giants plays against the Pittsburgh Steelers is a fun exciting time for the entire Mara family.  Her sister Kate Mara is also employed as an actress.  Rooney Mara shot to fame for playing the second incarnation of Lisbeth Salander in the remake of the Swedish film The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  Rooney Mara was supposed to be in the remakes of the Swedish films The Girl who Played with Fire and the Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, but Hollywood continues to drag their feet regarding both of those film deals.  Rooney Mara was attacked and killed by Freddy Kruger in the eighth installment of the A Nightmare on Elm Street death porn series (Watching Lisbeth Salander #2 sobbing and weeping like a hopeless gutless cowardly wimp against Freddy Kruger is so much fun to watch).   

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