Thursday, July 18, 2013


Well it's Summer and the weather is scorching hot.  I'm drinking plenty of fluids and I got sunscreen and sunblock protection for my skin.  I don't have any sunburns.  So that much is a good thing.  The sky is a pale shade of blue with a few scattering of clouds here and there.  The Gentle Reader and I are slowly moving towards the end of July.  August is just around the corner.  However, there's still a week or so left in July before August arrives.  It would be nice if Summer was all year round.  However, in order for Columbus, Ohio to have Summer all year round would require Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect (Which I'm not quite ready for).  So I guess Winter is unavoidable.  Still, the Gentle Reader and I will enjoy the Summer for hours, days, weeks and months that Summer is still available.
And as I'm lost in thought on the scorching hot days of Summer, here are some photos of Ashley Tisdale.

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