Thursday, July 25, 2013


The citizens of the Russian town of Troekurovo Lipetsk Oblast was excited when their hydro-electric power plant was built and made operational in 1953.  No more borrowing electricity from other people.  Instead, other towns will pay the citizens of Troekurovo Lipetsk Oblast for use of their hydro-electric power plant.  Plus, since it was safe for the environment, it was a green solution to the lack of electricity plaguing the citizens of Troekurovo Lipetsk Oblast.  Plus, for the employees of the new hydro-electric power plant offers the chance to see the Saint Dmitry Monastery through a few of the windows.  Yet, there was trouble in paradise.  For reasons that was never made clear to me, the hydro-electric power plant in the Russian town of Troekurovo Lipetsk Oblast closed in 1974, never reopened and fell into abandoned ruins.  The Russian town of Troekurovo Lipetsk Oblast and their dreams of environmentally safe hydro-electricity became a faded and rusted memory that will never be revived.




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