Sunday, July 7, 2013


And so the weekend comes to a conclusion.  And so the weekday starts up yet again.  The cycle continues.  The cycle repeats itself.  The street lights are lit up.  Night has returned.  Daylight will return, but the Gentle Reader and I will have to wait a few more hours for that to happen.  I just ate dinner.  I'm checking my e-mail and surfing the Internet for a little bit before going to bed.  Morning will return a few hours from now.  I need to brush my teeth.  I'm walking barefoot in the house.  Sometimes I wear slippers and other times I walk around barefoot.  I rarely wear shoes inside the house.  Walking either barefoot or with slippers on is much more comfortable.  I have a wrist watch, but I use my cell phone to check what time it is. 
And as I'm lost in thought under the moon and the stars, here are some photos of Brittany Snow.

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