Monday, August 26, 2013


I finished eating breakfast before resting for a while.  Then I heard the sound of trucks from a distance.  It took one truck to take away the recyclable trash from the curb.  It took another garbage truck to haul away everything else from the curb.  And both trash containers (A small plastic box for the recycleable trash and a larger container for everything else) was carried back to the house.  And then I peddled my bike to the public library.  It was an ordinary uneventful day out of lots of ordinary uneventful days.  The sky is grey and yet no rain has fallen.  It's a hot scorching day, yet there isn't a beach for me to relax in.  Columbus, Ohio is landlocked in every possible direction.  Someday, I'll get to live in a city that's actually located nearby a large body of water that actually has a beach that the general public actually is able to use.  Until then, I got the narrow rivers and small man made lakes of Columbus, Ohio to serve as a substitute for beaches alongside oceans and large sized lakes.
And as I'm lost in thought in the scorching hot days of Summer, here are some photos of Lizzy Grant aka Lana Del Rey.


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